Vector Art: AD360


Vector Art (2 credits)

Professor: Jenna Spevack

Course Description: This course will introduce the student to the vector art application, Adobe Illustrator and present techniques for creating vector art, design and illustration. The class will cover beginning and intermediate lessons including creating basic shapes, using the pen tool, painting with stroke, fill and gradients, transforming objects, creating compound shapes, type, layers, and brushes. To this end the student will become proficient in the use of this industry leading application and will be able to produce original art.

Equal emphasis will be placed on the development of professional work practices, creative problem solving techniques and critical thinking skills. Competency will reflect a mastery and control of the application and an ability to apply learned skills to creative projects.


Course Goals

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course the student will be able to:


Required Course Materials:

Suggested References:

You will be working on projects, tests and assignments for at least two hours outside of class. If you don't have a computer at home you will need to utilize the ADGA Labs during the week or on the weekends. Check the ADGA Department Posters to find out exact hours and days. You may also use the 6th Floor Student Lab or the Learning Center lab.

Attendance Policy:
For more information about the attendance policy review Understanding Your Grade.

Grading Policy:
Please thoroughly read Understanding Your Grade*. Attendance and participation greatly effect your final grade and your ability to keep up with the course content. If you want an A, begin by coming to class on time every week.

*If you have questions please contact the professor.

Course Calendar:
The Course Calendar is an outline of topics covered each week with links to individual Weekly Class outlines. Check the Calendar every week to review class topics, labs, homework assignments and project deadlines.