Advertising Design & Graphic Arts Assessment

Advertising Design: B.Tech Degree Program

MENU | Exit Questionnaire 2004-2005

  1. Please rate the Quality of training you received in the following areas (5 is the highest rating).

    Quality of Training
      1 2 3 4 5
    Digital Graphics
    Advertising Design
    Graphic Design

  2. How would you rate the overall quality of your Advertising Design education at CityTech?
    Overall quality of AD education
    Excellent Very Good Average Fair Poor

  3. Which of following are not part of the rules and concepts of the current HTML recommendation?

    a) The basic structure of an HTML document includes opening and closing tags, which surround content and apply meaning to it.

    b) An HTML page must contain three main parts: the DOCTYPE, the Head and the Body

    c) Tags defining presentation should be included in the HTML document.

    d) Tag must be properly nested and in lowercase.

  4. The <h1> tag can be used multiple times in your HTML document?




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