Advanced Web Design: AD650


Using your own descriptions, create a diagram of a JavaScript script showing the concepts listed below. In your diagram show both the script and corresponding HTML, when necessary, to convey the relationship between the two. Creating a diagram helps to understand what the script is made of (Example) and what the script is doing (Example).

Depending on how you organize the diagram, you may need to create two or more diagrams to do this. You may create the diagram(s) in Illustrator or Photoshop, or any software that allows you to create a visual diagram. Save the final diagram(s) as JPG or GIF. Place the file(s) in a folder called "javascript_exam" and upload to your FTP folder.

Identify or define the following concepts in the diagram(s):

  1. Statement
  2. Variable
  3. Keyword
  4. Assignment
  5. String Literal Data
  6. Number Literal Data
  7. Boolean Value Data
  8. Array
  9. Operator
  10. Conditional Statement
  11. Looping Statement
  12. Function
  13. Argument
  14. Object
  15. Property
  16. Method
  17. Node Tree
  18. Element Node
  19. Text Node
  20. Attribute node
  21. Child node
  22. Event handler
  23. Graceful degradation
  24. Progressive enhancement
  25. Unobtrusive JavaScript
  26. Object Detection (Backwards Compatibility)
  27. Document Object Model