September 13th, 2018


Monday Show and Tell

  • Do you have an art or design-related video, image, blog post, article or field trip idea to share?



Introducing Project #1: Phase 3 – Develop

Protecting and submitting your work

When submitting your final class work, demonstrate a dedication to your design practice and show a sense of professionalism. Protect your work from smudges, wrinkles and bends by covering it with a piece of protective tracing paper and store it in your portfolio during travel to and from school.

  1. Cut a piece of tracing paper to the width of your work with about 1″ overhang on the top.
  2. Fold the 1″ overhang and tape it with a piece of drafting tape to the back of your work.
  3. In pencil write your full name and the project number (ie: COMD1100 Project #1) on the BACK of the work in lower right corner.


  • Work independently (and quietly) on Project #1: Phase 3 – Develop. Feel free to listen to music using headphones!
  • By the end of class you should have completed at least one of the two compositions.
  • Meet with Professor to review Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Project #1 — and to make sure you are on the path to success in this course. If you have questions or need extra help, now is the time to ask!


  1. Finish Inked Compositions (1 stable, 1 ambiguous) to present to class for critique.
    NOTE: Don’t forget to protect your work with tracing paper. Points will be deducted from your grade if your work is smudged, wrinkled or bent.
  2. Complete all Design Process Blog posts Phases 1-3 for Project #1.
    We will use the class blog to present work during the critique next class.

Materials Needed for NEXT Class:

  • The used book that you are using for your Glossument
  • Materials of your choice: paint, brushes, collage materials, glue stick, X-ACTO knife, scissors, inking pens, etc.
  • We will spend time working on your Glossument in class after the critique.