1. Midterm Exam (use this link to access your exam)
    • The exam will be available for the first 30 minutes of class
    • The exam must be completed IN CLASS.
  2. Midterm Project Critique (use this link to access your critique form)
    • You will be critiquing your colleagues' projects. Participation in the critique is NOT optional. It is a significant part of your grade (15%).
    • Review the Midterm Project description to see the requirements for the project and the Midterm Project RUBRIC how the project will be graded.
    • Find a partner and write up a short critique of your partner's site using the critique form provided above. You will be presenting your his/her site to the class. Give your partner constructive criticism relating to use of color, contrast, balance, alignment, proper XHTML structure, CSS implementation, etc. Phrases like "It's hot" and "I like it" are not acceptable without a detailed explanation of the "hotness" and "likeableness".
    • You will have 2 minutes to present your colleague's site to the class in a professional manner. The class will have 3 minutes to respond and offer additional feedback.

Homework| Week 8

Next week we will add past project samples to our projects page. This means you need to dig up your old projects and save them as (PSD) Photoshop files. BRING TO CLASS!!

If you don't have design projects you will need to put together examples of production projects you have worked on. For example: binding and finishing, digital asset management, project management and workflow analysis, digital pre-press projects. You can include a description of your contribution to these projects in addition to an image, file or diagram.