Category Archives: Class 7

Class 7 | Pattern Mashups

Online Class Guidelines

  • Be present and engaged for the entire class period. Demonstrate that you are engaged from 2:30pm – 5pm by posting to the discussion board and documenting your class work.
  • Open two tabs in your browser:
  • Please follow the SCHEDULE below. Your grade depends on it! =)

Attendance (2:30pm)

Critique (2:30 – 3:15PM)

  • Visit the Assignment #2 Aural Topographies: Mash Up Prep discussion topic
  • Click on the button that says “Follow”.  You will receive an email every time someone posts to the discussion. This will allow you to keep track of any new posts, otherwise you may need to refresh the page to see new posts.
  • Post an image of your Staccato / Legato Pattern thumbnails to the discussion forum. Post whatever you have completed. Make sure the image is clear.
  • Post a reply to at least 3 other student’s posts. If your replies do not contain the following they will not count toward your grade:
    • Clear identification of student whose work you are replying to.
      (ie: Mario: the pattern in the upper-left corner is a successful visualization of legato rhythm, because… )
    • A clear statement about which patterns are successful AND WHY THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL
    • A clear statement about which patterns are not successful AND WHY THEY ARE NOT SUCCESSFUL
    • Clear and logical use of the vocabulary: Line, Rhythm, Repetition, Monotony, Variety, Pattern, Movement
  • If you have not completed the Staccato / Legato Pattern thumbnails that are due today, make up for it by replying to at least 6 student’s posts!
  • When you have completed this task, move on to the Lecture.

Lecture (3:15-3:45PM)

Review this lecture completely and post any questions to the Class 7 : Attendance and HELP discussion topic.

Pattern Mashup Introduction:

  • For this exercise, you will be creating preparatory sketches in your CPB to unite 1-3 staccato and 1-3 legato patterns into a 9″x11″ grid  – like a DJ mixing parts of different songs.
  • The grid will act as an invisible or visible structure to support the relationships between the elements (the staccato and legato pattern squares).
  • Today you will start at least 3 detailed sketches in your CPB to explore how you will arrange your pattern squares within a gird to create a unified composition. The finished composition will be a field of patterns of varying scale (big, medium, small), orientation (horizontal, vertical, reflected) and repetition.
  • Here is an example of a grid used by a student. Notice how the squares of the grid vary is size and placement on the page. The relationship between the squares on the grid should contribute to the overall rhythm and unity of the composition.
    grid structure example

    Grid Structure Overlay

    daniel mashup example

    Daniel’s Final Pattern Mashup

Project Research:

  • Explore this project :: Seaquence  :: to experiment with mixing audio rhythms. Imagine how you can replicate this experience visually using the Staccato and Legato pattern squares you’ve created.
  • Another place for inspiration might be a search for “quilts” or “crazy quilts”, such as:



  • In your CPB write down the following questions. You may not be able to answer these questions yet, but keep them in your brain as you work.
    • How will my different staccato and legato patterns relate to each other?
    • When the rhythms meet/touch will they complement each other, blend together, or repel each other?
    • What will the overall composition “sound” like?
  • Explore how other students have realized the Pattern Mashup project:
  • When you feel you have successfully reviewed the lecture and completed your project research move on to the Lab.

Lab (3:45-5pm)

  • Make at least 3 sketches (or collages) in your CPB to explore how you will arrange your final Pattern Mashup. These are NOT thumbnails, these are preparatory compositions that you will use to complete your final inked compositions. The finished composition will be a field of patterns of varying scale (big, medium, small), orientation (horizontal, vertical, reflected) and repetition.
  • !IMPORTANT! Before the end of class, post the your work in-progress to the Class 7: End of Class Mash Up Sketches discussion board for feedback. !IMPORTANT!


  1. Finalize your Pattern Mashup preparatory compositions and create a final inked version on a piece of 9’x12″ bristol board. Come prepared to present your finished work to the class.
  2. Materials Needed for NEXT CLASS (Thursday, September 27): 14″x17″ Bristol, ruler/t-square, pencils, inking pens, knife/scissors, cutting mat, collage materials, or any materials or medium of your choice.
  3. Contact me with questions.