Class 12 + 13 | Work Class


A quick review of the use of the GRID in visual design.

What is a GRID?

  • A network of lines, which typically run horizontally and vertically and are used to align elements in relationship to each other.
  • Helps organize both positive and negative spaces (the entire page) and contributes to the overall rhythm in a composition.
  • Examples of the grid can be found in magazine layouts, informational structures, street in modern and ancient cities, and the architectural frames of buildings.



Students will present BOTH completed collages to the class.

  • (1) Narrow Value Range: either high-key or low-key
  • (1) Broad Value Range


Materials Needed:

  • black and white gouache, 9×12″ bristol, palette, water containers, rag, brushes, portrait collages

Assignment #3: Paintings


  • Take a photo of  your finished and approved collage, just for future reference.
  • Make sure each square of your composition is properly marked on the back, indicating the TOP and numbered from left to right, top to bottom.
  • Use a small piece of tape on the back of each square to adhere them to a piece paper.
  • Create a viewfinder frame, so that you only see one square at a time while you are working.
  • Keep everything clean and neat.

Once collage compositions are critiqued and approved, work on your paintings (Broad and Narrow Value composition)

  • On a piece of clean, 9×12″ bristol trace or measure the dimensions of each of your collage pieces from the exercise above.
  • Using your collage pieces as a visual reference, you will be painting each square independently from the next. This is VERY important.Use your viewfinder frame.
  • Using your Value Scale as a guide, recreate (in gouache paint) each photographic square using a range of black, white, and gray values- achieving continuous tone in areas where highlight and shadow blend together.
  • Do not worry about accurately rendering an eye, nose or ear, think only in terms of value, the boundaries of each value shape relationship.
  • Notice how some values crossover shape boundaries into adjoining areas (open-value), while others are limited by the edges of the shape (closed-value).
  • Remember to work on each square independently and protect your finished painting with tracing paper as you work. Gouache is very delicate and can easily pick up the dirt and oils from your hands.
  • When you have completed your first composition carefully protect all elements with a piece of clean tracing paper and cardboard. Then start work on the second.
  • We will cut and mount both the paintings together in the next class.


  • Complete at least ONE painting for next class. Keep them clean and neat.
  • Extra credit will be given to students who have successfully completed both paintings.  We will cut and mount both the paintings together in the next class.
  • Materials needed: Bristol Board 14×17”, scissors, exacto knife, ruler/t-square, glue.
  • We will work in class on a digital project. Please bring a storage drive.
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