Class 6 | Line, Rhythm & Pattern


  • Review Elements and Principles from last class


Assignment #2 | Aural Topographies

  1. Critique of Pencil and Inked drawings
    • Use vocabulary Rhythm, Variety, Pattern, Repetition and specifically focus on the successful or unsuccessful Unity/Harmony of the compositions.
  2. Repetition Exercise: Staccato / Legato Patterns
    • Take out 2 sheets 9×11″ Bristol and a soft pencil #3B.
    • Listen to the first bit of this song: Another One Bites the Dust and draw a line representing its rhythm across your first sheet of paper.
    • Listen to the first bit of this song: Summertime and draw a line representing its rhythm across your second sheet paper.
    • Using the line network technique from last class, create an interesting pattern to cover the entire pieces of paper. Vary the weight (thick and thin) of the lines and spacing (tight and wide) between the lines.
  3. Rhythm and Variety Exercise: Rhythmic Relations
    • Materials Needed: 2 sheets 14×17″ Bristol, ruler/t-square, pencils, inking pens.
    • Measure a 1 inch margin all the way around your paper.
    • Take your very best figure-ground composition from Assignment #1. Using a #2H pencil sketch the contours of the composition elements/shapes, but don’t fill them in.
    • Using your inking pens create a variety of line patterns in the black areas of the original composition. Types of line patterns could be made from horizontal, vertical, diagonal, organic, or a combination. The goal is to develop variety of repeated “sounds” or rhythmic patterns in the composition, but still keep the successful figure-ground relationship and unity overall.
    • Create a second version of this composition, this time filling in all shapes (figure and ground) with appropriate line patterns. This means that an area that was white in your original composition would have a very light or widely spaced line pattern, where as an area that was originally black would have a very dense or dark line pattern.
    • In this exercise each pattern should be repeated at least once and should relate to its neighbors, subtly building an overall mood– like a piece of music.
  4. Work in class.


  1. Complete Assignment #2: Staccato / Legato Patterns and Rhythmic Relations. See Assignment page for details.
  3. Check this website for a materials list on Monday night.