Advertising Design & Graphic Arts Assessment

Graphic Arts: B.Tech Degree Program Questionnaire

  1. Which of the following is not a necessary part of the client-server system that connects the World Wide Web?

    a) Internet Service Providers

    b) Flash

    c) Servers

    d) Web Browsers

  2. HTML is the language of the Web. What does hypertext/hyperlinking do?

    a) It allows ones document to be linked to another via a "clickable" word or phrase.

    b) It instructs your browser to go and retrieve the page that the hyperlink refers to and displays it onscreen.

    c) If well considered, it is the navigation that directs the user to relevant areas of your site and other sites.

    d) All of the above

  3. Which of following are not part of the rules and concepts of the current HTML recommendation?

    a) The basic structure of an HTML document includes opening and closing tags, which surround content and apply meaning to it.

    b) An HTML page must contain three main parts: the DOCTYPE, the Head and the Body

    c) Tags defining presentation should be included in the HTML document.

    d) Tag must be properly nested and in lowercase.

  4. The <h1> tag can be used multiple times in your HTML document?




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