Prof. Jenna Spevack | Teaching Site

Web Design: AD550

COURSE DOCUMENTS | Final project | DUE WEEK 15

-- FINAL Portfolio Site --

Your portfolio site should include the following:

  1. Functioning global links from your index.html to resume.html, bio.html, contact.php, projects.html and back again.
    • Spell checked and grammatically correct content should be included on every page.
  2. Functioning local links from your projects.html to at least two subsections (example: logos.html, photography.html) and related detail pages.
  3. Standard, alternate and print style sheets applied to every page:
    • Redefined HTML tags: body, h1, h2, h3, h4, p, ul, li
    • CSS Selectors for: a:link, a:visited, a:hover, a:active (with descendant selectors for sidebar-content)
    • ids: #wrapper, #header h1, #content, #main-content, #sidebar, #sidebar-content, #footer and #footer p.
    • Additional styles using descendant selectors from class tutorials
    • Your alternate stylesheet should make use of environmental style, as discussed.
  4. Two mockups with unique graphic styles and appropriate color schemes that reflect your professional identity. These mockups should reflect your implemented main stylesheet and alternate stylesheet.
  5. Your site will be graded on lean, valid structure (HTML), appropriate and unique presentation (CSS), functioning navigation, as well as, proper grammar, spelling and professional content.
  6. Your site must be loaded and functioning on the FTP server in order to receive a passing grade.
  7. Check the Student Portfolio page to make sure your FTP folder is set up properly for critique and grading. You must have index.html in your root directory.

Make at lease one BACKUP of your work on CD!!

Late projects will not be accepted. Your site should be finished and uploaded to the FTP server. You will not have time in class to upload your files. UPLOAD BEFORE YOU COME TO CLASS (instructions).

The Rubric that will be used to grade your project has been defined. Please read it before turning in your project.