Prof. Jenna Spevack
AD360 Vector Art



10 points


5 points


0 points


Did student follow instructions given by instructor and complete minimum content requirements*?

Followed all of professor’s directions; more than adequately completed the minimum content requirements; added extra material.

Followed most of the professor’s directions; completed the minimum content requirements.

Disregarded professor’s directions and failed to complete a significant part of the minimum content requirements.


Was project completed and turned in by specified due date*?

All project elements were completed and turned in on due date.


Significant part of project was completed and turned in on due date.


Nothing was turned in on due date.



Were the design, organizational and technical concepts of this project understood and demonstrated?

Student appears to have demonstrated and understood all of the following concepts:

  • correct use of Bezier Pen tool
  • good organization of layers
  • creation and application of color swatches
  • fill and stroke
  • placed tracing image
  • file format
  • critical thinking and exploration of project theme

Student appears to have demonstrated and understood some of the following concepts:

  • correct use of Bezier Pen tool
  • good organization of layers
  • creation and application of color swatches
  • fill and stroke
  • placed tracing image
  • file format
  • critical thinking and exploration of project theme

Student appears to have demonstrated and understood few or none of the following concepts:

  • correct use of Bezier Pen tool
  • good organization of layers
  • creation and application of color swatches
  • fill and stroke
  • placed tracing image
  • file format
  • critical thinking and exploration of project theme

Does work show unique or creative attributes*?

Works shows unique and creative attributes.

Work shows some unique and creative attributes.

Work show little unique or creative attributes.


Did student present work in a professional and appropriate manner*?

Overall presentation is excellent.

Overall presentation is acceptable.

Overall presentation is poor.







Final Grade:  