December 20, 2018

Ways of Seeing – FYLC at New Lab
LAST DAY! All work is due.
- This is a critique class.
- All students are expected to participate. (Last chance to boost your final grade!)
- You will not have time during class to complete work. All work is due on arrival.
Discussion / Critique
- Check out this site:
- We will critique our completed Glossuments.
- Turn in your completed Glossument for a grade and possible exhibit.
- Submit all work, including all parts of Project #6 and any make up/reworked projects.
- Make sure your blog posts have all required content from Projects 1-6.
- Grades will be posted by December 28th.
Work Pickup
- Check this website and your City Tech email to find out when to pickup your physical projects.
- Take a field trip once a week and create something (anything) everyday.
- Please keep in touch!