ASSESSMENTS | Understanding Your Grade
Grade breakdown:
- 60% projects and/or assignments
- 15% class participation
- 25% quizzes and labs
Percentages are broken down into points - 200 Total Points
Quizzes and labs are worth 25% of total grade = 50 points. The quiz grade is a culmination of the quizzes and labs given throughout the semester. If you do not complete a quiz in the first 30 minutes of class you do not get points toward your grade.
Projects and Assignments are worth 60% of total grade = 120 points
- (2) Major Projects = 88 points total, each project = 44 points (each is 18% of your total grade)
- Homework Assignments = 32 points (24% of your total grade)
Class Participation is worth 15% of total grade = 30 points
- Participation in critiques
- Class preparedness, volunteering answers, helping other students, paying attention during class demonstrations
Class attendance
- Points are taken away from your final grade for each class you arrive late to or are absent from. Two lates equal one absence. If you are more than 30 minutes late to class, you will be marked absent.
- If you miss more than three classes (without prior notice) you could receive a failing grade for the semester. This policy is in accordance with the school attendance policy. Check your student handbook (page 14) for details.
Points to Letter Grade Conversions: (points divided by 5 letter grades) Quizzes/Labs (50 points)
A = 41 - 50
B = 31 - 40
C = 21 - 30
D = 11 - 20
F = 0 - 10
Projects (44 points)
A = 36 - 44
B = 27 - 35
C = 18 - 26
D = 9 - 17
F = 0 - 8
Class Participation (30 points)
A = 25 - 30
B = 19 - 24
C = 13 - 18
D = 7 - 12
F = 0 - 6
Homework (32 points)
A = 27 - 32
B = 21 - 26
C = 15 - 20
D = 9 - 14
F = 0 - 8
TOTAL Letter grade distribution over 200 point scale A- / A = 161 - 200
B- / B / B+ = 121 - 160
C / C+ = 81 - 120
D = 41 - 80
F = 0 - 40