ASSESSMENTS | week 03 quiz


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Section #: 7152 (11:30am-2pm)
  7147 (2:30pm-5pm)

Which key lets you reposition a shape as you draw it?

a) option

b) command

c) shift

d) spacebar

Which of the following modification key combination do you press to create a circle from it's center?

a) command/control

b) option/shift

c) option/command

d) caps-lock/control

To draw a triangle using the polygon tool, which keys do you use to change the number of sides of the polygon while you are drawing?

a) Right and left arrow keys

b) Up and down arrow keys

c) Plus and minus keys

d) C and V keys

To change the reference point for scaling an object AND bring up the Scale dialog box, which key should you press while clicking on the new reference point?

a) command

b) option/shift

c) option

d) control


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