Prof. Jenna Spevack | Teaching Site

2D Animation: AD540


Topics Covered in Class:

  1. Newton's Laws of Motion (1/2 hour)
    1. First Law of Motion - Inertia: An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. Once in motion it will move in a straight line until acted upon by another external force. (Example: nudge a pencil on the desk)
    2. Second Law of Motion - Constant Acceleration: The motion of an object accelerates in the direction of the force applied to it, relative to the force applied. The greater the force, the greater the acceleration will be. Also, the greater the mass of the object, the more inertia the object possesses and so more force will be required to move it. More weight = more inertia. (Example: kick a bowling ball and kick a tennis ball)
    3. Momentum: Once an object is moving it takes on momentum. The amount of momentum an object possesses depends on its mass and the amount of force applied to it. More weight and force = more momentum. The heavier an object is the more force is required to start its motion and to stop it. (Example: catch a bowling ball or a fast-moving baseball)
    4. Third Law of Motion - Equal and Opposite Action: Each action has equal and opposite action. If a force is applied to an object, the object reacts with an equal force on the object that caused the force. (Example: rocket and it's thrust)
    5. Universal Law of Gravity: All objects, when dropped from within a vacuum, fall at the same rate. Gravity has the same and equal effect on all objects. However, outside a vacuum the effect of friction will alter the rate at which an object falls. The gravitational pull of the earth alters the initial force applied to objects. When a ball is thrown into the air vertically, it will accelerate according to the second law of motion, but then gravity will counter the initial force and cause the ball to slow down until all the initial energy is expended. Finally it will fall, picking up speed and momentum as it falls. (drop a marble and drop a feather)
  2. Principles of Animation 2 (1/2 hour)
    1. The two basic elements of animation are the Timing (where the impacts, accents, beats or hits happen) and the Spacing (how close or far apart the object is spaced between the beats).
    2. Keys and Inbetweens
      1. Keys: The main points within the animated action that represent a defining position or change within the movement. The keys tell the story.
      2. Breakdowns: The first inbetween drawings that are created between two keys. Breakdowns help describe the action.
      3. Inbetweens: Drawings created to appear in-between the key and extreme drawings. The placement and number of these drawings give the animation its timing.
    3. Slow out and Slow in
      1. Slow out: describes and action that progressively accelerates out of a key frame. Slow outs are used at the beginning of an action as the initial inertia is overcome. A heavy object with greater inertia to overcome will have a longer slow in than a lighter object with less inertia.
      2. Slow in: describes an action that decelerates towards a keyframe. Slowins are used as an object is coming to rest at the end of action. Objects that have more mass and momentum will have a longer slow in than those with less mass and momentum.
      3. Slow out and slow in
      4. A pendulum is a good example to show slowout and slowin.
    4. Path of action: A guide used to control the motion of an action.
  3. Software Skills: Using Flash for Traditional Animation (1/2 Hour)
    1. Introduction to the Flash interface and document setup
    2. Drawing Tools
    3. Creating a Symbol
    4. Add, delete, clear Keyframes,
    5. Insert, copy, paste Frames
  4. Experiment - Slow Out and In (1 hour)
    1. Flash animation using TRADITIONAL ANIMATION techniques. (DO NOT use shape or motion tweening at this time)
    2. Use this template to begin.
    3. In the Scene 1, on the first layer, animate a ball moving back and forth across the screen, using even timing. Do this is 24 frames.
    4. On the second layer, copy and paste your frames from layer one and modify the spacing of the keyframes, using slow out and in techniques to vary the timing of the movement Make the action is slow at either end and fast in the middle.
    5. In Scene 2, find keyframes for a pendulum animation setup for you. You will notice the keyframes have been drawn on frames 1, 24, 48 and the breakdowns on frames 12, 36.
    6. Add inbetween frames to complete the animation using slow out and slow in. Use the transform tool to rotate the pendulum. Set the axis point to the top and center of the string.
  5. Exercise - Movement and Timing (1 hour)
    1. In Flash, using the same document properties as the template, create an animation of an animal moving about the screen. Draw a path of action on layer 2 and follow it as you animate on the first layer. Vary the size of your animal and use slow out and in to change the timing to create a comedic effect.
    2. Simply move and resize the character, don't try to create articulated movements. Do this in 48 frames.
    3. (DO NOT use shape or motion tweening at this time)
    4. Save as a FLA document to turn in.


Please have the following prepared for the next class:

    1. Finish Flipbook, Slow in Slow out Experiment, and Movement Exercise.
    2. Bring an external drive or DVD-R to backup your work.