Prof. Jenna Spevack | Teaching Site

2D Animation: AD540

ASSESSMENTS | Understanding Your Grade

Your final grade is determined by the following, based on a 200 Total Point Scale

Projects are worth 85% of total grade = 170 points

Class Participation is worth 15% of total grade = 30 points


Class attendance

Points to Letter Grade Conversions: (points divided by 5 letter grades)

Projects (85 points)

A = 71 - 85

B = 61 - 70

C = 51 - 60

D = 31 - 50

F = 0 - 30

Class Participation (30 points)

A = 25 - 30

B = 19 - 24

C = 13 - 18

D = 7 - 12

F = 0 - 6

TOTAL Letter grade distribution over 200 point scale

A- / A = 161 - 200

B- / B / B+ = 121 - 160

C / C+ = 81 - 120

D = 41 - 80

F = 0 - 40

A: Outstanding Achievement that significantly exceeds standards
B: Commendable Achievement that exceeds standards
C: Acceptable Achievement that meets standards
D: Marginal Achievement that is below standards
F: Failing