Category Archives: Class 7

Week 07 | Midterm Work


  • Review Midterm Project Research and Thumbnails
  • Review past student work (WPA Posters & Book Covers) for reference.


Working with Fonts

Midterm Project Work

  • Set Up your document using the file, color swatches and fonts provided ( and create a template layer for your sketch.
  • Define your Color Scheme based on your research (find imagery from websites, other illustrations, etc.). Your final illustration should have a well-considered and consistent color scheme with named swatches.  Mix and add new color swatches to your palette. Use the Color Guide to experiment with different color relationships.
  • Begin by working in Outline View and using the pen tool or basic shape tools block out the largest areas of your illustration, using layers for organization.
    For example:
    • Create a layer called Background. On this layer block out the background shapes (ground, sky, etc.). Toggle to Preview, Select each object and apply a fill color from your color swatches.
    • You will continue to build up your illustration subjects by defining the changes in value using shapes for highlights, midtones and darks. This process is similar to building a paper collage.
    • Limit your use of stroke, opting for the development of form using filled shapes.
  • By end of class have your project file organized (layers, template, color palette, guides) and main areas blocked out.


  • Midterm Project Work: considerable work toward completion of project.
  • Be prepared to present your work in progress for review.

Week 5 | Color


  • Review homework assignments: Re-worked Bezier Paths, Name Translations, extra credits
  • Review Skills and Tools: PATH MENU, Scissors Tool, Knife Tool and Transformation Tools (Scale, Shear, Rotate and Reflect)
  • Midterm Project Ideas
  • Understanding Color in Illustrator: Understanding Color Post


Exercise: Creating, Saving and Applying Color, Gradient and Pattern Swatches
(Assignments & Exercises Week 5 >

  • Color Palette
  • Appearance Palette
  • Stroke Palette
  • Eye Dropper
  • Swatches Palette
  • Gradient Palette
  • Swatch Library

Shape Relations in Color:

Using the illustration you created for your Shape Relations project homework, add color and save out 4 new illustrations using the following guidelines.

Global Process: Create and save 3 Global Process colors to your swatches palette. Name each using the standard naming method: (example: 55C,10M,80Y,10K). Add these to your illustration by selecting each shape, bringing the fill color swatch to the front and clicking on one of your colors in the swatches palette. Please set stroke to NONE. (sample)
>> Choose and create one of the following Color relationships:

Split-Complementary Relationship

Split-Complementary: One hue plus two others equally spaced from its complement.

Triad Relationship

Triad: Three hues equally positioned on a color wheel.

Analogous Relationship

Analogous: Those colors located adjacent to each other on a color wheel.

Spot Color Tints: Load 1 Spot color from a Pantone library to your swatches palette. Spot color names, especially those from a library, should always keep their library number (ex:PANTONE 306). Apply the spot color to every shape in your illustration. Next, vary the tint, using the slider in the color palette, to create an illustration that can be printed using just one spot color plate and one black plate. Please set stroke to NONE. (sample)
>> Here you will be using Monochromatic Relationship:

Monochromatic Relationship

Monochromatic: Colors that are shade or tint variations of the same hue.

Gradient: Create 1 gradient using the Gradient Palette and save it to your swatches palette. Name the swatch. Add the gradient to your illustration by selecting each shape, bringing the fill color swatch to the front and clicking on your saved gradient in the swatches palette. Vary the angle and type of the gradient by using the Gradient Tool and the Gradient Palette. Please set stroke to NONE. (sample)
>> Use one of the 4 color relationships above.

Pattern: Create 1 pattern using a basic shape, pen tool, or pencil tool and save it to your swatches palette. Name the swatch. Add the pattern to your illustration by selecting each shape, bringing the fill color swatch to the front and clicking on your saved pattern in the swatches palette. Vary the scale of the pattern across the composition by using the Scale Tool, un-checking Objects in the Scale dialog box and adjusting the Uniform Scale. You can also adjust the position of the pattern by using the ~ key (next to the 1 key). Please set stroke to NONE. (sample)

  • Remember to save often while you are working on your drawing and back up your work in more than one place.
  • Label your files with your name and the title.
    • example:
    • example:
    • example:
    • example:


Finish your 4 Color Assignments:

  • Global Process
  • Spot Color Tints
  • Gradient
  • Pattern