Review Assignment #1 : Favorite Food
- Photographs, writing, thumbnails
- Put illustrations in the Dropbox with proper file naming convention. Example:
- Review final illustrations, looking at file organization (Layers) and Add to Shape (Pathfinder Palette)
Review Basic Shapes Chart and Pencil Lab
- Put illustrations in the Dropbox with proper file naming convention.
Example: and
- open paths
- closed path
- curved path
- straight path
Path Components
- anchor point
- corner point
- combination point
- smooth point
- direction lines
- direction handles
Bezier Pen Tool Practice
- Drag the week03 folder to your desktop.
ADGA2 Server ( jspevack > public > classfiles > week03) - In this Lab we will practice the following:
- Drawing and editing free-form paths
- Creating Bezier paths with the Pen Tool
- Manipulating and reshaping paths
- The Path menu: Join (if time allows)
Introduction to Assignment #2: Shape Relations
- Research / Inspiration
- Look for examples of interesting contour shape relationships in art, design, nature or everyday objects
- For example: wood grain on a cabinet, the top of a pine cone, a child’s puzzle, cobblestones or sidewalk or stone path
- Document these observations in your sketchbook
- Experimentation / Iteration
- Make at least 6 thumbnails in pencil of free-form shape relationships.
- Start with one shape and the create another shape that follows the path of the first.
- Examples for Reference:
- Student Example
- Student Example
- Complete the rest of Assignment #2 (DUE NEXT CLASS)
Homework | Week 3
- Assignment #2 (DUE NEXT CLASS)
- Bezier Pen Tool Labs (practice)