Introduction to ADGA Server Access.
- The ADGA server will be used to retrieve files for in-class demos, homework and projects.
- We will also use the server to turn in all assignments in the DropBox.
- All files placed in the DropBox must be properly labeled per project guidelines in order to receive credit.
- File Naming Example:
- firstinitiallastname_pencil.ai
- firstinitiallastname_shapes_chart.ai
- (where first initial is YOUR first initial and last name is YOUR last name)
- Download the LAB files from the ADGA2 Server
(jspevack > public > ClassFiles > week02).
Getting to Know Illustrator
- Review Tools palette (pdf) and Interface Intro.
- Open the interface_intro folder and open the Illustrator file.
- Setting up Illustrator Preferences, Document Settings, and Views.
- Selecting, viewing, and working with Tools and Palettes
Understanding Paths
A path consists of two anchor points with a line-segment between them
- Open paths are paths that have two distinct end points, with any number of anchor points between them.
- Closed paths are paths that are continuous. These paths have no start or end, they just continue around with a distinct inside and outside.
- In this Lab we will create an illustration with the shapes, selection, and modify tools. We will get an introduction to measurement, stroke and fill, swatches, layers for organization and file formats.
- Download the LAB files here. Or from the ADGA2 Server (Week02).
- Complete the pencil and shapes chart. Drop them into the AD360_dropbox on the ADGA2 Server.
- NAMING EXAMPLE: jsmith_shapes_chart.ai
Homework | Week 2
- Assignment #1 (DUE NEXT CLASS)
- Development of Skill and Craft
In Illustrator create a new document with the Document Profile: Basic CMYK.
Based on the sketches you created last week create a black and white illustration of your favorite food using only basic shapes and line tools.
Use the measurement, selection, and modify tools we used today in our class demo. - Expression of Form, Emotions, Concepts, and Voice
Your illustration, while limited to by the constraints of the project, should express your unique voice or graphic style using basic design principles. - Your illustration is due in the DropBox at the beginning of the next class meeting.
- Name your file: firstinitiallastname_food.ai
- Review this former student’s work for reference. Download AI file here.
- Development of Skill and Craft