October 22, 2018
Field Trip to NEW LAB!

New Lab
WHEN: Monday, October 22, 2018 (Meet in ENG1101 – 1pm)
WHERE: New Lab
19 Morris Avenue
(Entrance at Cumberland St & Flushing Ave)
Brooklyn, NY 11205
- Directions:
Walk from Jay Street or take the B57 or the B69 to Cumberland Street and Flushing Avenue.
Continue to the Cumberland Gate.
View Directions from City Tech
New Lab is a workspace for designers, technologists, and entrepreneurs working in advanced technology—in disciplines including robotics, AI, connected devices, nanotechnology, urban tech, and more. With resident space, on-site Product Realization, specialized programming, and access to a network that includes city agencies, venture capitalists, domain experts, and leading corporations, New Lab makes innovation move faster. >>> MORE
- Field Trip Reflection:
- Create a post on the Class Blog about this field trip and comment on 1 other student’s post.
- Post Title: Field Trip to New Lab
- Post Content: Choose one new thing that you learned on this field trip. Note the details. Is there anything about this experience that surprised you or made you think or feel differently? Include any images, with caption.
- Post Category: Field Trip
- Comment: On at lease 1 other student’s Field Trip post.
- Project #2 is due!
- Post your Phase 3 post to the Class Site today. We will have critique on Thursday to review your animation work.
- If you need help, see me during my office hour today, Monday 5-6pm in N1127 or N1122.