September 13th, 2018
- Complete Project #1: Phase 2 – Define.
- Come prepared with required materials to work on Project #1: Phase 3 – Develop
- Materials Needed (check Supply List):
- sketch book (9″x12″ or similar)
- Pad of Bristol board (9”x12” 2-ply smooth plate finish)
- roll of tracing paper (18″ wide)
- graphite pencils (Venus or similar 6B, 2B, HB, 2H, 4H)
- pencil sharpener (basic metal)
- eraser (magic rub, mars, gum or similar)
- inking pens .02 and .05 – Pigma Micron
- Faber-Castell Pitt Big Brush Pen
- 18″ ruler/T-square
- triangle
- small box or travel container for your supplies (reuse/find)
- portfolio to transport your work (larger than 14″x17″)
- 1 roll drafting or removable tape
Monday Show and Tell
- Do you have an art or design-related video, image, blog post, article or field trip idea to share?
- Students present Project #1: Phase 2 – Define to the class for critique.
Introducing Project #1: Phase 3 – Develop
Protecting and submitting your work
When submitting your final class work, demonstrate a dedication to your design practice and show a sense of professionalism. Protect your work from smudges, wrinkles and bends by covering it with a piece of protective tracing paper and store it in your portfolio during travel to and from school.
- Cut a piece of tracing paper to the width of your work with about 1″ overhang on the top.
- Fold the 1″ overhang and tape it with a piece of drafting tape to the back of your work.
- In pencil write your full name and the project number (ie: COMD1100 Project #1) on the BACK of the work in lower right corner.
- Yes!
- NO!
- Work independently (and quietly) on Project #1: Phase 3 – Develop. Feel free to listen to music using headphones!
- By the end of class you should have completed at least one of the two compositions.
- Meet with Professor to review Phase 1 and Phase 2 of Project #1 — and to make sure you are on the path to success in this course. If you have questions or need extra help, now is the time to ask!
- Finish Inked Compositions (1 stable, 1 ambiguous) to present to class for critique.
NOTE: Don’t forget to protect your work with tracing paper. Points will be deducted from your grade if your work is smudged, wrinkled or bent. - Complete all Design Process Blog posts Phases 1-3 for Project #1.
We will use the class blog to present work during the critique next class.
Materials Needed for NEXT Class:
- The used book that you are using for your Glossument
- Materials of your choice: paint, brushes, collage materials, glue stick, X-ACTO knife, scissors, inking pens, etc.
- We will spend time working on your Glossument in class after the critique.