Class 29 | Free-Study & Critique ONLINE

Vocabulary Review

  • Review Design & Color Vocabulary and Concepts
  • As you go through the review, add each vocabulary word to your Creative Process Book and include a small drawing or example that represents each Principle and Element.


  • Finish Illustrated Harmonious Moment Freestudy
  • Be sure to take a photograph of your finished Illustrated Harmonious Moment Freestudy to post to the OpenLab.
  • Turn in all parts of Assignment #6 at the end of class, any reworked assignments and your Creative Process Book.

Online Critique

  • Upload on image of your completed Illustrated Harmonious Moment Freestudy to the OpenLab forum “Final Critique” sometime between now and Dec. 21st.
  • Comment on at least 3 of your colleague’s work. Remember to note IN DETAIL what works and what doesn’t. Be constructive.
  • If your replies do not contain the following, they will not count toward your grade:
    1. Clear identification of the student whose work you are critiquing.
    2.  A clear statement about what is successful about the work AND WHY IT IS SUCCESSFUL
    3. A clear statement about what is not successful AND WHY IT IS NOT SUCCESSFUL
    4. Clear and logical use of the course vocabulary. Review the vocabulary list, before posting.


  • After class stop by the End of Year Portfolio Reviews to see the graduating senior’s final portfolios.

Thank you for a great class and keep in touch!

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