Class 23 | Color Interaction Continued


  • REVIEW Color Interaction concepts.
  • Present your Color Interaction Studies: 2 Value Pairs (in full color)


Color Interaction Studies – Continued


  • Group #3: 2 color study pairs will explore interactions by shifting hue, but not value.
  • Group #4: 2 color study pairs will explore interactions by shifting hue and value.


  • Attempt to make one color appear as two by varying the surrounding color.
  • For Group #3 (shifting hue, but not value), choose background hues that cause the center square to appear as if it’s a different hue. This may be subtle, but observable.
    • For example: the center square on the right appears reddish-violet when surrounded by green (complement of red) and the one on the left appears more bluish-violet when surrounded by orange (complement of blue). Notice the value doesn’t change.

      adjustments in hue


      adjustments in hue

  • For Group #4 (shifting hue and value), choose background colors that cause the center squares to appear as if they’re both different in hue and value.
    • For Example:the center square on the left appears both bluer and darker when surrounded by yellow-orange, than the one on the right,which appears lighter and more reddish, when surrounded by blue-green.
      Hue & Value Interactions

      Hue & Value Interactions

      Hue & Value Interactions

      Hue & Value Interactions


  • Complete 4 pairs of color painted interactions : 2 hue interactions, 2 hue and value interactions. (you may have to make several attempts).
  • Come prepared with your CPB, painted color scraps and paints, brushes, etc, collage materials, a flash/jump drive or any material you’d like to use to work on a color interaction free study. See Assignment #5 for details.
  • Prof. Phyllis Rosenblatt will be here next week to work with you on your freestudies. Please be on time and on your best behavior – as you always are!
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