Category Archives: Class 15

Class 15 | Presentation + Digital


Materials Needed:

  • 14×17″ bristol, glue stick, ruler, t-square
  • thumbdrive, CD

Assignment #3: Paintings Part 1: Mounting for Presentation
(1 hour)

  • With a ruler and exacto knife (or small, sharp scissors), carefully cut out each of your painted squares. As you cut, make sure to label the back and top. These should correspond to your original photo-collage.
  • Using a 11×17″ piece of bristol, layout your two paintings (or painting & collage — depending on quality) on the same piece of paper. Measure margins and gutter for each using your ruler and t-square. USE A HARD PENCIL – MARKS SHOULD BE VERY LIGHT AND ERASABLE.
  • Very carefully glue each square down using a thin layer of glue and with a clean piece of sketchbook paper press the square down firmly.
  • Have a damp rag available to clean off your hands as you work. Do not let glue touch your paintings- gouache is not forgiving.
  • On another piece of bristol, repeat the process above and mount your photo-collage pieces (or second painting & collage — depending on quality). If your  photo-collages are mangled and messy, reprint, cut and mount the pieces.
  • Turn in both compositions next class.

Assignment #3: Paintings Part 2: PREP
(1 hour)

Goal: Create a Narrow Value Range composition that produces RHYTHM/REPETITION,  a sense of MOVEMENT, a clear understanding of changes in VALUE from white to black, and an understanding of EMPHASIS and VISUAL HIERARCHY.

  • Download the archive of hi-res photos (see Assignment #3)
  • Open your photo-portrait file in Photoshop, and choose Image > Adjustments > Posterize. Set the Levels between 5 and 9.
  • Next: Create a new file: 11″x8.5″, 300 pixels per inch, grayscale.
  • Save your file with your first initial and last name and the project title:
    For example: jsmith_value_added.psd
  • Using the rectangle marque tool:
    • set feather to 10px
    • style to Fixed Ratio 1 to 1
    • select portions of your original photo portrait and copy and paste them into the new document.
  • Vary the SCALE of your square selections in order to create a Narrow Value Range composition that produces RHYTHM/REPETITION,  a sense of MOVEMENT, a clear understanding of changes in VALUE from white to black, and an understanding of EMPHASIS and VISUAL HIERARCHY.
  • Use layers and the Transform Tool (Command T) to rotate and rearrange your “collage” pieces.
  • Save frequently!!
  • If your file begins to grow to large (over 50MG), select and merge layers as appropriate to reduce the file size.
  • Save your files to your thumbdrive, CD or use a free file sharing service like 4Shared.
  • Use one of the following labs to complete and print your digital composition:
    • Learning Center Lab
      Atrium Ground Floor (AG 18)
    • Student Labs
      General Building 600
    • ADGA open labs
      (check with the office in N1113 for times)
    • Additional Labs and Hours



Material Needed Next Class — COLOR!:

  • all gouache paints from Supply List
  • brushes and all painting supplies
  • ruler, t-square
  • pencils
  • 9×12″ bristol