Professor: Jenna Spevack
- Email:
- Website:
- Office Hours: Mondays 5:30-6:30pm
- Office Location: V424
- Office Phone: 718-260-5221 (email is best)
Course Description:
An introduction to interactive multimedia technology with a focus on interdisciplinary, project based, cooperative learning. Students will be immersed in the protocols and processes of interactive and emerging media design process: idea development, research, documentation, presentation, prototyping, and production, which will serve them in the face of rapid changes in technology. Students will explore basic theoretical and applied concepts of audio, visual, tactile and interaction design through creative group projects, visiting professionals, and on-line documentation of their work.
Course Goal
To give students an introduction to:
- The field of applied emerging, interactive media technologies.
- Collaboration between people with different skills and backgrounds.
- The application of a design process for project design and development.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course the student will be able to:
- Use correct terminology for technical and design aspects of the field.
- Follow and integrate a design process into their projects
- Explore different methods of interdisciplinary collaboration in order to function as part of a team.
- Understand and employ different modalities of design and production and integrate those modalities into an interactive experience.
- Clearly present work using contemporary methods and critique work of their peers.
- Discuss the evolving technologies and innovative approaches used by professionals working in the field.
Course Materials
- A portable drive to transport your files AND a spindle of recordable/rewriteable CDs or a Firewire Drive to back up your work. Do not leave files on the lab computers, they will be deleted. Excuses for lost or corrupted disks or drives are not acceptable. (BACKUP YOUR WORK)
- This CLASS SITE will be utilized for the posting of class materials. Please check it every week or subscribe to the RSS feed for new announcements and updates. The syllabus, handouts, assignments and exams will be posted here for your reference.
Students are expected to:
- spend at least 2 additional hours a week (outside of class) on homework, class projects and study.
- turn in the weekly homework at the start of the next class meeting, and midterm and final project work on the date due.
- arrive on time and attend all classes.
- present in-progress and final work to the class for discussion.
- participate in class discussions, critiques and exercises.
- be respectful of fellow students and offer help when needed.
- back up work every week. Flash drives are not an acceptable form of backup.
Attendance Policy:
For more information about the attendance policy review Understanding Your Grade.
- Two lates equal one absence. A student is considered late if they arrive after attendance has been taken. If you arrive after attendance has been taken and are marked absent, it is your responsibility to notify the teacher.
- After two absences your final grade will drop one full grade for every absence. If you miss more than two classes there is a possibility that you will receive a failing grade for the semester. This policy is in accordance with the school attendance policy. Check your student handbook (page 14) for details.
You will be working on projects and assignments for at least two hours outside of class. If you don’t have a computer at home you will need to utilize the Citytech Labs during the week or on the weekends.
Grading Policy:
Please thoroughly read Understanding Your Grade*. Attendance and participation greatly effect your final grade and your ability to keep up with the course content. If you want an A, begin by coming to class on time every week.
- 90% projects (Final Project, Midterm Project, Essays, Readings, On-Line documentation and presentation)
- 10% participation (Class participation and Attendance)
*If you have questions please contact the professor.