Emerging Media Blog Project


Our goal is to become fluent in emerging media topics and events. By writing about emerging media every week and commenting on classmates blogs not only do we experience “Social Media” as creators and participants, we gain an emerging media literacy and vocabulary for our future creative endeavors.


Each week you will post to your blog, discussing one of the following areas, and comment on another classmates’ post. Before the end of semester you will need to have posted and commented on one of these topics at least once.

Post Requirements

Each post must follow these guidelines:

  • A review and/or personal account of topic.
  • At least 300 words.
  • Links to at least three sources
  • Photograph, audio, or video (with citation if not original)
  • Post at least 2 days before the next class meeting to allow time for your peers to comment on your post.
  • Choose 1 day or evening to research a topic and post – that way you won’t forget.
  • Choose 1 day or evening (perhaps Sunday) to comment on another classmates post.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Posts about your family dog or trip to the beach are not appropriate unless they relate in some way to emerging media.

Comment Requirements

In order to get credit for your post,  you must also comment on another classmates’ post.  Comment on a different classmates’ blog each week.

Each comment must contain the following:

  • A well-thought-out critique of the post, including a new or different idea or viewpoint.
  • A link to a related topic.
  • At least 80 words.

Blog Format

By the end of the semester your blog must be visually unique. You may use an existing WordPress template, but you must at some point during the semester replace or include a unique banner and color scheme.

Blog Setup

Choose a title for you blog that is unique and compelling. This blog is about emerging media and emerging media only, so the title and description should reflect that – even abstractly. You can always change the name of  your blog if you can’t think of a good name at setup.

Follow this link to setup your blog on WordPress: http://wordpress.com/signup
Or visit the Week 2 post on this site.

For help with your blog outside of class go to: http://support.wordpress.com/