Category Archives: Week 3

Week 3

Discussion (10 minutes)

  • Present the collaborative, well-written description of your project and a rough storyboard or narrative of your podcast.
  • Based on homework assignment, designate next actions for each member of the group.

Lab (40 minutes)

Using the Class Projects Wiki:

  • We will use a Wiki to document and present our Class Projects (Emerging Media Blog, Midterm and Final)
  • Wait, what is a Wiki?
  • The Wiki uses a similar type of markup as a webpage, but it’s intended to be faster and easier. First time Wiki users can play in the Sandbox. Let’s get started!

Lecture (2.5 hours)

Guest Speaker Prof. Maura Smale, Literacy Librarian will introduce us to Research and Documentation Methods for Emerging Media.

Week 3 Homework

Midterm Project Discovery and Research Continued

Goals: Come to the next class (02/23) with the following:

  • finalized SHOW OUTLINE
  • complete SCRIPT
  • finalized podcast NAME & DESCRIPTION
  • at least 2 USER PERSONAS based on interviews and research.

We will begin recording next class.


  • Designate ‘next actions’ for each member of your group. Post all documents to the Wiki and use the discussion forum to communicate.
  • Follow Planning Your Podcast: Step-by-Step Development to complete your SHOW OUTLINE, and SCRIPT.
  • Follow the Planning Your Podcast: Importance of Branding to develop a finalized podcast NAME & DESCRIPTION – no more than two to three sentences long.
  • Listen to the Usability Tools Podcast: Robust Personas to develop at least 2 USER PERSONAS. These can be presented as 1 page descriptions on the Wiki. Personas should include these areas.

Post and Comment to your Emerging Media blog

  • This is the last week you will be reminded to Blog. It should become a routine activity.
  • Choose a day or evening to research a topic and post, that way you won’t forget.
  • Choose a day or evening (perhaps Sunday) to comment on another classmates post.